...ramblings of a crazy mind
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
From Pramila's sister
Hi guys,
This is Pramila's elder sis posting for her to let all of you ppl, who are worrying
about her (for those who are not worrying :P) know that she is fine but our mom is
ill and Pramila is holding fort (as usual, I'm playing hooky! :( ). My mom needed an
operation, which was successfully performed today and Pramila did a great job of
handling doctors, hospitals & my parents (not an easy job, I must tell ya! ;)) all by
herself. Unfortunately since I am stuck in the US, all I could offer her & my parents,
was emotional support and she really did an awesome job. I know this is kinda getting
to be an hagiographic post but it is true. She didn't have much support from her friends
either, which I was upset about because she is usually at the forefront when it comes
to helping her friends. But I guess that's how life is and one must never expect support
no matter how much support one gives. She is very prescient though, her fav line is
'I don't expect anything from anybody'. What was the worst thing was that some
'best friends' picked this time to make her even more miserable.
However it is fine and she has managed my mom's operation very well. She will
probably post on this weekend. Take care.
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