...ramblings of a crazy mind
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Labour day weekend special!
Busy day today!
Got up bright and early to be told we were off to the farmer's market - my first time ever! Was good fun... other then the usual suspects - veggis and fruits - there were things like homemade bread and yummy delights like strawberry short cake! And right besides the street where the farmers market was being held was a water fountain with pretty seating arrangements. Had a wonderful time!
Quick pit stop at home dump all the perishable items into the fridge and get started on loads, loads, of laundry. While the spin cycle did its thing we were off - to CostCo for important things like Pringles and lays. Oh yea, the odd grocery thingy found its way into our cart too.
Having got our store of adipose tissue building eats (read immensly fattening) we made our way home.
A friend came over and we took of to hunt for "labour day" bargins/sales. Found a couple of really nice ones. There was this one which looks like you are wearing a formal white button down shirt on the inside and a sweater on the outside - but is acutally just one peice.
Piping hot samosas were in the neighbourhood so my friend suggested we pay them a visit - so we did! Ummmm, they we niiicceeee!!
....Whistle I was on the shopping trip my sister and brother in law (bless that man!) went out and bought sleeping bags.
Why you asketh?
'Cause we are off bright and early!! We are going CAMPING!! Oh joy is me!! :o)
10.00 at night saw all the Padmanabhan women wrestling animatedly with "muli paratha" dough (india bread with raddish in it)
Making enough to feed 45 people is so not fun! When we took on making the bread there were to be two familys - ours and my cousins - that was at the start of the day... people kept getting added!!
Strawberry milkshake (made by yours truly) capped the wonderful day...
...its 12.15 now and my bed beckons (especially consider tonight ours is to be a short affair - i shall have to leave its warmth bright and early!)
Labour weekend turned out pretty nice - got to shop and camp! :o)

YAY, I'm going CAMPING!!!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Plenty of travel on the cards for me!

Off to NY on the 7th.. Then on to Baltimore on the 15th... Seattle on the 28th... And finally Vancouver, Canada on 30th!

So, YAY!

The big weekend is almost here (for the Indian friends : three day weekends like labour weekend is time for everyone to pile into cars and 'head out'. Or at the very least to the shop of your choice for "incredible savings!" ) and we still haven't decided whether we are going camping or shopping!

My vote is for the camping but we'll see.

Hows it going for you? Whatchya doing this weekend?